A Couple of Rad Techs Podcast

From X-Ray to MRI: Pariss Jackson's Radiology Career Path

Chaundria Singleton Season 4 Episode 22

Welcome to another exciting episode of the A Couple of Rad Techs Podcast! In this episode, our host Chaundria Singleton is joined by the incredible Pariss Jackson, an MRI technologist with a wealth of experience in the field of radiology. As radiologic professionals, we hold the esteemed position as the third largest medical profession in the nation, right after doctors and nurses. So, it's important for everyone to understand the vital role we play in healthcare. Join us as we dive into Pariss's journey in the field, from her beginnings in X-ray technology to her specialization in pediatrics. Discover what makes working with children so rewarding and gain insights into the challenges and joys of performing MRI scans on young patients. Plus, hear about Pariss's unexpected career path, including her time as a radiology teacher. You don't want to miss this insightful and inspiring conversation. Tune in now and get to know the amazing Pariss Jackson on A Couple of Rad Techs Podcast!

Pariss Jackson is an MRI Technologist specializing in pediatrics. With a passion for working with young patients, Pariss has been dedicated to this field since 2008. Originally from Michigan, Pariss started her career in X-ray and later pursued further education at Lansing Community College. With her expertise, Pariss has even had the opportunity to teach at the same institution. She loves the breadth of the imaging field and takes pride in providing physicians with valuable insights for accurate diagnoses and successful surgeries. Pariss finds her work extremely rewarding and truly loves what she does.
Connect with Pariss Jackson here

Rad Techs Podcast, Chaundria Singleton, Pariss Jackson, M R I technologist, radiology, medical imaging professionals, x-ray, nuc med tech, ultrasound, CT scan, podcast, medical profession, doctors, nurses, pediatrics, teaching, imaging, diagnosis, surgeries, rewarding, pictures, LinkedIn, smile, Michael Jackson's daughter, who is Pariss Jackson, experience, field, nation, sharing, friends, families, medical imaging, listen, episode, love, amazing field, inside story, physician, diagnose, x-ray, mitten state, Michigan, Lansing Community College, teaching, field of imaging, broad, rewarding, beautiful pictures, beautiful smile, pediatrics, level, understand, MRI, difference, families, parents, nervous, resilient, faith, adults, pediatric imaging, journey, burning question, medical family, healthcare, surgical tech, ultrasound program, backup plan, community college, foundation, career, teach radiology, applied anatomy, pathophysiology, program director, MRI consortium, Grand Rapids Community College, curriculum, courses, undergrad degree, experience, calling, relationship

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Chaundria Singleton:

Welcome to a couple of Rad Techs Podcast I am Chaundria Singleton, and we have another amazing guest today. We have Pariss Jackson. She is an M R I technologist, and she has so much experience, you guys that I'm gonna let her talk about who she is, what she does in our amazing field of radiology. And just to remind you, as radiologic professionals and medical imaging professionals, we are the Third largest medical profession in the nation. Doctors are number one, nurses are two, and we rank number three. So get to know us by listening to this podcast and sharing it with all of your friends and families because we know a lot of you have already had medical imaging done. Whether it's a x-ray, a nuc med tech, a ultrasound, or a CT scan, and maybe an M R I. So take a listen to this episode. I am sure you're gonna love it. Welcome, Paris to our podcast.

Pariss Jackson:

Hello. Thank you for having me. I really appreciate it.

Chaundria Singleton:

it's good to have you and I am a fellow m r i technologist. So I wanna hear from you. Who are you? Let the audience know, let us into your world because we see your beautiful pictures on LinkedIn and your beautiful smile. And we wanna know who is this? Paris Jackson. And it's not Michael Jackson's daughter. I'm sure you get that all the time. So tell us who you are.

Pariss Jackson:

I'm an M R I tech Technologist currently working In pediatrics I love working with my pediatric patients. I've been an m R i technologist since 2008, started out in x-ray out of the mitten state. That's Michigan Went to Lansing Community College. Eventually went back, and did some teaching at Lansing Community College. but I love what I do. I love the field. of imaging, how broad it is. And people gotta remember we, we get the inside story for the physician so that they can make their diagnosis and do surgeries and things like that. It's very rewarding. I I love what I do.

Chaundria Singleton:

Well nice! I have some stories about Michigan growing up my mom would always send us to Detroit, Michigan in the dead of winter during our Christmas break to Oh boy. uncle and But we had so much fun there, I got a lot of, and Lansing I think is colder than Detroit, right?

Pariss Jackson:

So I, I think Detroit. is colder just because they get a lot more of that lake effect snow, you know, coming off of the water and that. But yeah, that lansing's, Where I was born, it was where I grew up and eventually as an adult. I went over to Ann Arbor, the University of Michigan.

Chaundria Singleton:

yeah. Nice. So you have told us a lot about you. You, you specialize in M R I and you work in peds. That is one of my favorite as well. I said if I ever go back in the hospital setting Paris, I was gonna go only back to pediatrics. I would not go back to the Mm-hmm. What makes you love pediatrics pediatrics so much?

Pariss Jackson:

It's the relationship with the children I love getting on their level, talking to them. whether I'm getting on my knees to talk to them and trying to help them understand. exactly what is going to happen. And trying to Just talk to them to get them through the m r i it's so rewarding for me, that I'm doing something that makes such, such a difference for the child and for the parent. so I love. talking to the families. I love talking to the parents. The thing with pediatric imaging is not only are you serving the child, but you're serving the. family. The parent who is there, sometimes they're just as nervous, sometimes even more nervous than the child who is having the M R I bill.

Chaundria Singleton:

Yeah, I have to agree with you on that. The parents, the kids are usually, they're not scared. I've had kids come in with like limbs hanging like this. They're

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

They're so excited to get this M R I. I'm thinking like, kid, do you not see your hand dangling? And they're like, you told give a sticker afterwards. And the parent is like freaking out. And I

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

me too. They're so resilient. They're resilient and they have faith.

Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

you know they have more faith. I think sometimes than adults that everything's gonna be okay. And they see the brighter Side of things. But if, if I had to choose, I do work with adults as well. I have a, a parttime job where I work with adults, but if I had to choose, sorry. adults, it'll be. pediatrics for me,

Chaundria Singleton:

Yeah, I So on your journey from, because you went to X-ray school or radiologic technology school you said, and then the switch to m r i, what made you actually get into radiology? That is like the burning question?'cause a lot of people have their own reasons.

Pariss Jackson:

I have a great story. So originally I wanted to be a nurse, I ended up deciding, okay, nursing isn't for me. I didn't grow up with a medical family, or I didn't know anyone with a medical background. to be honest.

Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

So what I did was I went to my local community college, Lansing Community College. I made an appointment with an advisor, and I said, Hey, I'd like to go into healthcare. Can you Tell me what other options there are. So they told me about all the other options surgical tech, ultrasound, x-ray. I said, okay, I wanna go into ultrasound. I wanna apply to the ultrasound program. So what I did was I applied to ultrasound, program. I ended up talking to another another student, she said, yeah, I applied to ultrasound too, but I applied to x-ray. as backup. And I said, well, geez, that's a great idea. I said, that was my Second choice. I'm gonna apply to X-ray too. I had dropped my application off for a x-ray the day it was due in the Dropbox after hours, after hours. I Totally. I actually forgot that. I had even applied to x-ray. So I get, I get a phone call. I didn't get in the ultrasound I was devastated. And then I got a phone call two days later, that I had gotten, into the X-ray program, I forgot that I had, even applied. I forgot so I'm ecstatic because I was at a point where I wanna do this, I'm gonna go into healthcare. this is what I wanna do. So that's what sometimes too, and getting a little bit off topic. but I tell people, you Never know. Have a plan have a backup plan. but you never know how your life is gonna change or, or what's gonna happen. And because look at me now now I'm doing X-ray or m r i went to school for x-ray, but I'm doing something that I totally love but it wasn't my original plan, you know? So, but, and I feel blessed. that I even get to do this. I get to Take care of people for. a living. I had a great time in community college at an X-ray school. a great school It was a great foundation. to set me up for to continue. my career.

Chaundria Singleton:

Nice. So how long did you teach radiology?

Pariss Jackson:

So I started off doing radiologic technology. I taught that for five years.

Track 1:


Pariss Jackson:

yes applied anatomy, and pathophysiology for, for x-ray. Then my program director they decided they're gonna start this, MRI consortium. I was working at the University of Michigan at the time. He said, Hey, can you help us start this MRI consortium between grand Rapids Community College and some other colleges in the area? I said, sure. So then I wrote developed, created the curriculum for, for the courses, for the M R I program. But it, I remember being in X-ray school and my Program director, he said to me, he said, listen to me. This is what I want you to do. I want you. To go and get your undergrad degree, get two years of experience, and come back. He said, I think that you would be great at teaching this, and I think that this is your calling. And I said, really? He said, Yes. He says, do it and hopefully I'll see you in two years. And I kept. a relationship with him, so it was nice to have That come full circle. Full circle for Me.

Chaundria Singleton:

But what a great experience, and it really shows how we can pivot in radiology is it's always just patient care. And,

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

just gave a, gave a great example of the options that we have as medical imaging professionals is going into education.

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

I was thinking when you said about the connection that you kept with your director. That kinda into what I'm, I'm really big about this networking. Radiology a small world, and I try to tell people when they get into it, you know, just being a good human anyway, you should keep good relationships. You know, not that because you need something from somebody. I, I, I'm not saying that, but I say that in my 21 years in, in this field. What has allowed me to never be without a job and a job that I enjoy, I think I've only had one or two jobs that I was like, oh no, I gotta get outta here, And it was years later that was like, yeah,

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

go. This is not serving me well at all.

Pariss Jackson:

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Chaundria Singleton:

I've only had maybe one or two like that, and they weren't like that. My, you know, at the beginning it people

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

kind of changed, but for the most part I have really had great experiences and most of my jobs have been referrals or people that knew my reputation or knew people that knew me that I always kept good relationships with. How important you've given a great example of that. It led you to the teaching opportunity from being a student, but I always try to encourage students. You are always interviewing as a student. Absolutely

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

you're paying for it, but you're paying for this education, but you're interviewing. What's your thoughts on that?

Pariss Jackson:

I 100% agree with you, so to, to further explain and to kind of off, off of what you said. So I went from X-rated I How I got into m r, I was, one of my instructors for an x-ray said, Hey, I work as an M R I tech. For this company. You know what, why don't, I'm gonna refer you. Why don't you give this person a call? Tell'em I sent you, and if this is something that you wanna do, then why don't you look into it? And it just so happened that it was because while I was in X-ray school, I went on, an honors rotation into m R I and said, Hey, this is something I might be interested in. I called that company. and They, they gave me a job. They just said, okay, great. We're looking. for somebody come in We'll interview you. But the interview, was just, okay. I'm gonna, We're gonna hire you, we're going to train you to do MRI, We're gonna give you a significant amount more money. To train. We're gonna pay for everything for you to train and take your boards. So there you go. So, and that was from one of my, another one of my instructors from the X-ray program. Not only that, my next job at the University of Michigan, I got that job because I was referred from somebody who worked for that M R I company, they referred me to their manager. They said, Hey, this girl is great. I trained her to do MRI, the guy who trained me to do M R I, I trained her to do MRI she's a Great worker she always shows up on time. great With patients. Went to that interview and it was the same thing. Hey Jim Wagner, he's a great employee. He says, that you're great. We're going to bring you on. so it's. the same thing for me. Nearly every job that I have gotten has been Word of mouth from my work ethic you are you, you do, you have to put your best foot, your best face forward, and as you said, even with students, your interview starts, then the first day that you walk in how you appear. Look professional, wear your uniform. Show up on time. Be Willing to do the to the job. Take initiative, ask questions while. you're still in School And while you're in your clinical site Because people are watching you people know people and people can get you jobs and and propel you to where you want to be or where you want to go next, but they're. not gonna help you if you don't help yourself.

Chaundria Singleton:

Y Yeah. And you, done that. You took the advice in school to go get your undergrad. You did that. I love how you said, I hope to see you in two years. You know, that was,

Pariss Jackson:

Yeah. He says, mm-hmm.

Chaundria Singleton:

you feel like you had to, it's still at the

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

it was very,

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

me, that is the, a true sign of a good leader. Yeah,

Pariss Jackson:

I agree.

Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

I agree.

Chaundria Singleton:

Letting you know they have the confidence in you to do that. And that's one thing I feel in our field, what many of us is lacking is each giving each other confidence in, in what we do. Because I don't think, I was just talking to a president of one of the associations of a state for radiologic and she mentioned that in this particular state there are over 11,000 technologists, licensed technologists. There are less than 200 that are signed up with the association board in that state.

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

my mind.

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

and I, I really, but nursing associations have over 150 associations.

Pariss Jackson:

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Chaundria Singleton:

three. They have over 150, and they are heavy. On my family that's nurses are like all into like five and six of'em.

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

you know, they even know what they do for'em, but they are heavy into membership and you can see what, you know, you see the benefits of what that's done for the nursing profession. And nurses have a confidence that even doctors don't even have. And I feel like, you know, just working In the field that I'm in, I have a great deal of confidence in my abilities. I've worked with really solid people who've helped me to really what radiology is all about and what we do. I've worked in a lot of, I worked in research, education teaching hospitals, and I think that's important to really, for me, what social media with radiology is really like empowering other technologists who feel like I only do x-ray. Yeah, does diagnostic x-ray and he made more than me at one point when he came outta school,

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

I was so offended'cause was like, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You know, and he's been offered management positions and you know,

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

direction that he wants to go in, but, When I tell you if we saw ourselves how we truly are, many of us would be paid. When I find out what some people are being paid, I'm like shocked. I'm like, you, you accepted

Pariss Jackson:

This is one of those things.

Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

I am so glad you brought this up because people. everyone please pay attention. Okay? You set the tone for everyone else. who comes after you. So please get what you are worth, get what you are worth? And in fact, add a couple dollars to that if you can, because you set the tone for everyone else, especially if you are a worker, you know your worth. You Know the knowledge that you have, the background, if you have the knowledge. and background to back it.

Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

Get what you are worth. because you Set the tone for. the rest of us in this community, in the Imaging community who are trying to further ourselves our careers and make a living, to take care of our families as well. Because yes, We love, we love this and we love to do it. That's why you're in it, you're not gonna continue to do it for years. If you don't love it. You can't Because it's, it's, it's rewarding work, but it can be stressful as well, Right. So please get what you're, what you are worth. Imaging is a broad field. It makes it generates income for hospitals as we know Because of the things that they can do. Like I said before, do surgeries and.

Chaundria Singleton:

diagnosis. Yeah.

Pariss Jackson:

and things like that, but for sure get what you are worth. and we do have to bring each other up in this community and, and tell, hey, you are capable of doing more, learning more contributing to the overall. good of the organization that you work for and yourself, personally and professionally. so you,thank you for bringing that. up,

Chaundria Singleton:

Yeah, because I

Pariss Jackson:

for sure.

Chaundria Singleton:

had a conversation. I have three friends whose children just finished X-ray school and signed a sign on bonus with a hospital. She didn't talk to me and I was like, why didn't you talk to me before you sign it? I'm not against sign on bonuses, but you

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

em right.

Pariss Jackson:

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Chaundria Singleton:

to make sure, you know, it's like signing a, it's signing a contract

Pariss Jackson:

It is,

Chaundria Singleton:

And you have to make sure

Pariss Jackson:

it is.

Chaundria Singleton:

contract not only benefits, the hospital benefits you.'cause they're

Pariss Jackson:

You as well.

Chaundria Singleton:

to get out of it and you need to get what you need to get out of it.

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

Absolutely. So when I found out she signed it and what she was not getting out of it hadn't even gotten paid. Hadn't even got the money. And I was like, yeah, no honey, leave. Go over here. They, they messed

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

contract. You need to leave and go over here. And eventually she did go over to another hospital and she was like, I shoulda listened to you, but

Pariss Jackson:

Yes. Yes.

Chaundria Singleton:

cause what I didn't know when I finished school and when I was in school, I just didn't know. And I didn't have to bounce things off of. And

Pariss Jackson:

Right, right.

Chaundria Singleton:

And, you, you said it earlier, and I'm gonna go back to what you said and what you did. Not only what you said, but what you did as well. I encourage people because when I got outta X-ray school, my second year of x-ray school was simp. I was just in CT and I was rotating through every modality because I completed all my All my exams in the first year.'cause I knew I did not wanna do diagnostic and I was

Pariss Jackson:

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Chaundria Singleton:

able to do everything I wanna do in radiology. So now I need to use the second year to figure it out'cause I don't want to go out working, to figure it out'cause nobody's gonna give it to me for free. I already saw how the dynamics were in the field didn't work for my benefit. So I needed while I was paying for it, let me be smart about this and get it while I'm paying for it. And. I just went on and I wound up in ct. So when I got out, I became a CT tech and later on went on to M R I. But that is the one thing I tell young people, when you finish x-ray school, go straight to these schools now that they have, when I finished, they didn't have all these schools. You had to learn stuff on the job and find a place that would train you and you know, and hope you could pass the test by studying on your own. have all these schools. It might cost

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

but you're gonna make that back.

Pariss Jackson:

the earning potential.

Chaundria Singleton:

So you could pay those people back their money or charge it on, I'm not saying charge you the credit card, but just you could pay it back. You're gonna make enough money. But my point is, when you come outta X-ray school, even if you wanna do x-ray, go learn something else. Have two minimum two modalities under your belt that you are licensed for,

Pariss Jackson:

Absolutely. Absolutely.

Chaundria Singleton:

licensed for. And you did that, you came outta school in x-ray and you went straight to M R I. Like, why was that so important to you to have another modality?

Pariss Jackson:

So this is a multifold Reason, so number one,

Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

I at the time, and this is a little bit personal, but I at the time was a single, single parent. I have a 24 year old daughter, so I was a single parent. So for me, my motivation was money. I am highly money motivated. It is what it is. I'm, I'm motivated by, by money and, and opportunity. Those are the things that motivated me. So the, the first thing was I can make an a a substantial amount more money for me doing MRI. And The second was my quest for knowledge. to learn more and to do more. So to learn. To learn Everything that I could, Right, to get more, det, more detailed imaging. So tho those were the things that were very important. to me. I wanted to be the, my goal is to be the best. in my field. Okay? Whatever I do, I want to be the best at, it. If I'm gonna be solely x-ray, I wanna be the best. x-ray tech that there is. If I'm gonna be sole MRI, I'm gonna be the sole MRI, the best MRI tech that I can be. So for me, I just felt like Having more, imaging, a second modality, was gonna give me more opportunity, opportunity and more knowledge as well, which is very important. to me. Knowledge and knowledge is power,

Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

Knowledge and education is something that can never be taken away from you.

Chaundria Singleton:


Pariss Jackson:

It's, a way to grow personally, and it's a way to grow. professionally. So those were the reasons for, me to go to get another modality. I, I've honestly, I don't have CT I Thought about going to do CT and I think about it all the time and now it's Actually, a really great opportunity because we are needed. I've been asked several times. to, to learn to do, to do CT several times, and, and I've thought about it. and I'm still thinking about it. So,

Chaundria Singleton:

Yeah, it, it would be easy to crossover. I found Mr. Cross-sectionally was easier because CT was cross-sectional, so I had gotten over that but yeah, I mean, especially when you find someplace that's gonna let you, you know, get right on in there and do it. And you already have the radiation principles. It's not like m r i where you're turning off ionizing and radiation and learning physics,

Pariss Jackson:

right. right, right, right.

Chaundria Singleton:

Yeah, so I mean, this has been a really good conversation. I really want you to come back because there's so much we didn't talk about, but so many things

Pariss Jackson:

I love

Chaundria Singleton:

come back. I enjoyed talking to you so much. Yes. Like, we felt like, oh, now before I go, because she and I have something in common that we love to do. And I, as we were talking through this podcast, there's something else that I'm sure you do since you were from Michigan. There's a dance called social dance up in Michigan that I learned where it's like a slow dance. They do it in Chicago, they do it in Detroit, but there's a certain way that people in Michigan just dance. And I'm gonna tell you, it is It is like no other. When I used to go to Detroit to visit my uncle, all my friends would have these parties and we'd be socialing doing an older, younger, and I'm gonna tell you, I never seen such smooth dancers in my life. Do you do that type of dancing? I tell

Pariss Jackson:

I will tell you what I do. I do. urban line dancing four 10, line dance group, urban line dance. That is my group. That is my community. I love them as people and I love that dance. community. So when you think of dancing, Urban line dancing, it's country line dancing, with a little bit of swag. and a whole lot of smoothness,

Chaundria Singleton:

I can only imagine. my goodness. There's roller skating as well. We have that in common.

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

her roller skate better than I can walk. I love roller skating And you do

Pariss Jackson:

I love the roller skates. Absolutely. I love the trick. skate, try to learn, the trick. Skate I skate outside a lot. That is just one of my my hobbies. Finding some smooth pavement. Pavement and just skating in the wind. Try to get that wind blowing. My hair blowing, it's relaxing. Is, is just a way to to wind down from, to create some good work life balance, you know.

Chaundria Singleton:

Yeah, and you definitely do that. And I have enjoyed this conversation. I wanna ask one last question now that we've gotten to know and it's just been a wonderful, real down to earth conversation. I, I really appreciate it. What advice would you give to individuals aspiring to enter the field of radiology or, or m r i technology, especially those interested in a pediatric, because I don't think we talk about that as much pediatrics and it.

Pariss Jackson:


Chaundria Singleton:

I think it's amazing. There's so much you learn at in pediatrics that you just never learn, even when it comes to the actual technology of M R I in pediatrics. So what advice would you give individuals?

Pariss Jackson:

So my advice would be I think that there is a general fear of working with pediatric patients because people are used to, it's a lot easier for some people to relate to adults. because we are adults, do not have fear, have no fear. Just go for it, Try it out. So my advice would be to just to try something new. Whether it is a different type of, of imaging, whether you're, you do general x-ray, try for doing a lot of fluoroscopy. studies. if you're an M r I tech, try doing cardiac, try going into pediatrics. try something different because you never know if you like it. You'll never know. if you learn to love it like I did with pediatrics.

Chaundria Singleton:

Nice, great advice and thank you again for being a guest on our podcast. And you guys check Paris out all her information. You can follow her on LinkedIn. She does some wonderful content and you'll learn more about the radiology perspective from her and her experience, which is great because we need to all help people, not only patients, but. Young people looking to go into the health field. You Paris talked about how she found radiology. She took the initiative and went in search, like, what are all my options? Everything isn't just nursing, everything isn't just dental. You do have other options in the allied health field and we are here to talk solely about radiology and all the amazing modalities and even non-patient opportunities you have. So we'll touch on that the next time you come back. And again, thank you guys for joining a couple of RadTechs podcasts and thank you Paris.

Pariss Jackson:

Thank you.

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